Hi all, i have a weird problem, i have made a script that waits for a window to popup before continue, it works as a standalone but not inside the bigger script and i can´t figure out why.
Here´s the standalone script:
And here´s the bigger script where this code just waits forever when it gets to the winwait:
Im planning on using it with various diffrent webapplications and local server programs and files, that´s why all thoose includes
any thoughts?
Here´s the standalone script:
WinWait("Kampanj -- Webpage Dialog", "") If WinExists("Kampanj -- Webpage Dialog", "") Then MsgBox(0,"KAMPANJ!","Kampanjfönster öppet") WinActivate("Kampanj -- Webpage Dialog", "") Send("{ALTDOWN}s") Sleep(100) Send("{ALTUP}") Sleep(100) Send("{ALTDOWN}t") Sleep(100) Send("{ALTUP}") Sleep(100) EndIf
And here´s the bigger script where this code just waits forever when it gets to the winwait:
#include <IE.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <Excel.au3> $g_szVersion = "blob" If WinExists($g_szVersion) Then Exit ; do NOT run me again! AutoItWinSetTitle($g_szVersion) Global $kampanj Global $rownr Global $oIE Global $oFrame Global $ClipboardData $rownr = 1 $oIE = _IEAttach("GSM-AHS") WinActivate("GSM") Sleep(50) $kampanj = "KAM02370" $oIE.document.all.data.contentwindow.document.forms.CampaignForm.LIST.value = $kampanj Sleep(5000) $oFrame = _IEFrameGetCollection($oIE, 2) $ClipboardData = _IEPropertyGet($oFrame, "outerhtml") If StringInStr($ClipboardData, "selected value=KAM02370") Then $oIE.document.all.data.contentwindow.document.forms.CampaignForm.AddButton.disabled = False sleep(1000) $oIE.document.all.data.contentwindow.document.forms.CampaignForm.AddButton.click EndIf WinWait("Kampanj -- Webpage Dialog", "") If WinExists("Kampanj -- Webpage Dialog", "") Then ;MsgBox(0,"KAMPANJ!","Kampanjfönster öppet") WinActivate("Kampanj -- Webpage Dialog", "") Send("{ALTDOWN}s") Sleep(100) Send("{ALTUP}") Sleep(100) Send("{ALTDOWN}t") Sleep(100) Send("{ALTUP}") Sleep(100) EndIf
Im planning on using it with various diffrent webapplications and local server programs and files, that´s why all thoose includes
any thoughts?