I'm trying to use getnameinfo instead of gethostbyaddr to get the netbios name of computers in a LAN.
gethostbyaddr (used in _TCPIpToName() function) works but is very slow to respond. It seems getnameinfo works faster.
I'm a newbie with DllCall so don't be too harsh with me ^^'.
Here is what i've tried :
;~ struct sockaddr_in { ;~ short sin_family; ;~ u_short sin_port; ;~ struct in_addr sin_addr; ;~ char sin_zero[8]; ;~ }; ;~ int WSAAPI getnameinfo( ;~ _In_ const struct sockaddr FAR *sa, ;~ _In_ socklen_t salen, ;~ _Out_ char FAR *host, ;~ _In_ DWORD hostlen, ;~ _Out_ char FAR *serv, ;~ _In_ DWORD servlen, ;~ _In_ int flags ;~ ); Local $host, $service TCPStartup() Local $ip = "" Local $port = 139 Local $hDll_Ws2_32 = "ws2_32.dll" $ret_inetaddr = DllCall($hDll_Ws2_32, "ulong", "inet_addr", "str", $ip) $ret_hton = DllCall($hDll_Ws2_32, "USHORT", "htons", "USHORT", $port) $sockaddr = DllStructCreate("short sin_family ; USHORT port ; ptr in_adrr ; char sin_zero[8]") DllStructSetData($sockaddr, "sin_family", 2) ; AF_INET DllStructSetData($sockaddr, "port", $ret_hton[0]) DllStructSetData($sockaddr, "in_adrr", DllStructGetPtr($ret_inetaddr)) $ret = DllCall($hDll_Ws2_32, "int", "getnameinfo" _ , "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sockaddr) _ , "int", DllStructGetSize($sockaddr) _ , "str*", $host _ , "dword", 1025 _ , "str*", $service _ , "dword", 0 _ , "int", 0) ConsoleWrite("error=" & @error & " $ret[0]=" & $ret[0] & " host=" & $host & @CR) TCPShutdown()
Thank you for your time and sorry for my english.