Hi All,
Please see my code below.
I am wondering why this is not displaying correctly in _ArrayDisplay().
It is only showing row 17 as populated and showing the rest as blank. if I manually do a consolewrite on the array it works.
Is this a bug with _ArrayDisplay() or is there a problem with my code (my understanding of multidimensional arrays isn't perfect)
Thanks for any help
#Include <Pastebin.au3> #Include <Array.au3> $vTrends = _ListTrendingPastes() $vPasteTitle = StringRegExp($vTrends, "<paste_title>(.*?)</paste_title>", 3) $vPasteURL = StringRegExp($vTrends, "<paste_url>(.*?)</paste_url>", 3) $vPasteFormat = StringRegExp($vTrends, "<paste_format_short>(.*?)</paste_format_short>", 3) For $i = 0 to 17 Local $arr[18][3] $arr[$i][0] = $vPasteTitle[$i] $arr[$i][1] = $vPasteURL[$i] $arr[$i][2] = $vPasteFormat[$i] ConsoleWrite($i & ", " & $arr[$i][0] & " - " & $arr[$i][1] & " - " & $arr[$i][2] & @CRLF) Next _ArrayDisplay($arr, "Array")