Anyway... I think its a listview. Basically this is a screen with several columns that has a list of all the user accounts we have created for this app.
Eventually I want to be able to compare this data to a master list and filter out the ones we have already created.
So i thought I would try something simple just to see if I could target the window. I tried this to get the selected count
#include <GuiListView.au3>
WinActivate ("Untitled - pcvusrmgr")
Sleep (2000)
$x = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedCount(1235)
MsgBox (0, "test", $x)
it comes back 0, when I am expecting 1
Here is the window info
>>>> Window <<<<
Title: Untitled - pcvusrmgr
Class: PcvUsrMgrApp_Class
Position: 176, 232
Size: 960, 700
Style: 0x1407C000
ExStyle: 0x00000100
Handle: 0x005E0EA0
>>>> Control <<<<
Class: SysListView32
Instance: 1
ClassnameNN: SysListView321
Advanced (Class): [CLASS:SysListView32; INSTANCE:1]
ID: 1235
Position: 2, 47
Size: 932, 182
ControlClick Coords: 421, 150
Style: 0x50200409
ExStyle: 0x00000000
Handle: 0x001B0E7E
>>>> Mouse <<<<
Position: 423, 197
Cursor ID: 0
Color: 0xE2E2FF
>>>> StatusBar <<<<
>>>> ToolsBar <<<<
>>>> Visible Text <<<<
>>>> Hidden Text <<<<