Regarding to pass a parameter/argument to my compiled .au3 ->.exe, I read the help on Command Line Parameters zillions times, but I still don't get it right.
my sample code is: "sample.au3"
$CmdLine[0] = 1
I compile to sample.exe. When I run it in DOS command line:
sample.exe "123"
I always have Autoit error message popup:
AutoIt error:
I've been search out some similar questions in this forum, some answer like: $CmdLine[1] is a constant, can not be used as by passing in a variable.
But hey, that is my purpose. I need to pass a variable into a AutoIT compiled .exe. I need to call autoit compiled .exe and passing in a variable in my C# code. However I failed to do it even in DOS command line.
Again, I already read the HELP regarding "Command Line Parameters", I already search the similar topic in this forum, please help to show me how to correct my sample code make it work.