I can't write the full contents of an array into a text file.
In my example below, only the first two elements of the three sets are written. I'm running and the result I get is:
I looked at the _FileWriteFromArray function and for a 2-dimension array, it seems to treat $iDim as one of the indices. That would be a problem. But I'm not sure I'm interpreting it correctly.
I will greatly appreciate if someone can take a look and confirm my result. Thanks in advance.
#include<File.au3> Local $array[3][4] Local $sFile = @ScriptDir & "\Array.txt" $array[0][0] = "Zero" $array[0][1] = "One" $array[0][2] = "Two" $array[0][3] = "Three" $array[1][0] = "Red" $array[1][1] = "Green" $array[1][2] = "Blue" $array[1][3] = "White" $array[2][0] = "A" $array[2][1] = "B" $array[2][2] = "C" $array[2][3] = "D" _FileWriteFromArray($sFile, $array) ; Write array to file by string file name Exit