Hello All,
I'am quite new to Autoit and i'am struggling with an array problem.
I need to fill cells in Excell. (A1:A99)
The length of the "value" is always 7 digits, like ABCD001 till a "value" of maximum ABCD999.
I can fill the array but i'am missing the leading zero's before the numbers
ABCD001 is ABCD1
ABCD099 is ABCD99
How to solve this?
I've made the script below.
#include <Array.au3> ;_ArrayDisplay($arr) $MyExcel.Visible = 1 $MyExcel.workbooks.add ; Set all values $MyExcel.activesheet.range("A1:A" & $amount).value = $arr $MyExcel.activeworkbook.saved = 1 ; To prevent 'yes/no' questions from Excel $MyExcel.quit ; Get rid of him. $MyExcel = 0 ; Loose this object.
Thanks in advance