Hi, i have an issue i want to make "IsCheck" for check box control but it is doesn't work i try with "IsEnable", the control info is:
Class: WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2e0c681
instance: 18
ClassnameNN: WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2e0c68118
Advanced Mode: [NAME:picCheckBox]
ID:528808 (it is dynamic)
Position: 333,78
size: 16,16
controlclick coords:11,9
Style: 0x56000000
Handle: 0x00000000000811A8
i activate the window it is ok, but only that check box doesn't work i tried to manipulate it in couple of ideas with classnameNN, Name & instance, or even ID that is more equrate only for indicate if work, because is dynamic at the next time of login to the program it change.
i will realy like some help with that.