Hello all,
I am trying to get a script together for downloading a file, installing it, then delete the file... So far I have been able to put peace by peace together and it is working. They only opportunity that I am running into is when a user puts in the wrong credentials to get to the setup the script will continue running down the script. I wanted to display a Message if the inetget command timesout or fails to just kill the script and display a message error or something.. FYI I am very new with Autoit. The Help File is great but there something that I am still learning. Any help will be greatly appreciated..
Here what I have so far
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <ProgressConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #RequireAdmin _SelfDelete() While 1 $OPIDCHK = InputBox("Security Checkpoint", "Enter OPID:","", "") If @error = "1" Then exit If StringLen($OPIDCHK) <> 6 Then MsgBox(48, "Error!", "OPID NOT VALID.") Continueloop EndIf ExitLoop WEnd While 2 $PASSCHK = InputBox("Security Checkpoint", "Enter PASSWORD:","", "*") If @error = "1" Then exit If StringLen($PASSCHK) < 7 Then MsgBox (48, "Error!", "PASSWORD NOT VALID.") ContinueLoop EndIf ExitLoop WEnd Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) $Form1 = GUICreate("Downloader", 400, 170, -1, -1) $pb_File = GUICtrlCreateProgress(30, 30, 300, 20, $PBS_SMOOTH) $lbl_FilePercent = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0 %", 335, 32, 35, 16, $SS_RIGHT) $but_Download = GUICtrlCreateButton("Download", 160, 120, 80, 30) GUISetState(@SW_Show) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() If $nMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then EXIT If $nMsg = $but_Download Then _Download() WEnd Func _Download() ; Disable the download button GUICtrlSetState($but_Download, $GUI_DISABLE) ; Reset total filesize to download $TotalToDownload = 0 Dim $DownloadArray[8][3] ; Setup the URL's to download $DownloadArray[1][0] = "https://" & $OPIDCHK & ":" & $PASSCHK & "@websitegoeshere/setup64.exe" $PATH = @TempDir & "\setup64.exe" For $i = 1 To UBound($DownloadArray)-1 ; Get the File size $FileSize = INetGetSize($DownloadArray[$i][0]) ; Current File Size $DownloadArray[$i][1] = $FileSize ; Cumulative Total $DownloadArray[$i][2] = $TotalToDownload ; Add the current file size to the total $TotalToDownload += $FileSize Next ; Do the Downloads For $i = 1 To UBound($DownloadArray)-1 ; Dow the download in the background $Download = INetGet($DownloadArray[$i][0],$PATH,1,1) ; Loop to update progress Do ; Get number of bytes read for current file $BytesDownloaded = INetGetInfo($Download, 0) ; Add this to the cumulative total $DownloadedSoFar = $DownloadArray[$i][2] + $BytesDownloaded ; Calculate the current file percentage $FileProgress = Floor(($BytesDownloaded / $DownloadArray[$i][1]) * 100) ; Calculate the overall percentage $OverallProgress = Floor(($DownloadedSoFar / $TotalToDownload) * 100) ; Update the Current FIle progress bar GUICtrlSetData($pb_File, $FileProgress) ; Only update the current file percent label if it has changed to avoid flickering If GUICtrlRead($lbl_FilePercent) <> $FileProgress & " %" Then GUICtrlSetData($lbl_FilePercent, $FileProgress & " %") ; Only update the title bar (overall) percent label if it has changed to avoid flickering If WinGetTitle($Form1, "") <> $OverallProgress & " % - Downloader" Then WinSetTitle($Form1, "", $OverallProgress & " % - Downloader") ; Continue loop until download is complete Until InetGetInfo($Download, 2) ; Set current file progress bar to 100% when complete GUICtrlSetData($pb_File, 100) ; Set current file percent label to 100% when complete GUICtrlSetData($lbl_FilePercent, "100 %") Next MsgBox (0, "Download", "Download completed. Click ok to continue installation") RunWait($PATH) FileDelete (@TempDir & "\setup64.exe") Exit EndFunc Func _SelfDelete($iDelay = 0) Local $sCmdFile FileDelete(@TempDir & "scratch.bat") $sCmdFile = 'ping -n ' & $iDelay & ' > nul' & @CRLF _ & ':loop' & @CRLF _ & 'del "' & @ScriptFullPath & '"' & @CRLF _ & 'if exist "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" goto loop' & @CRLF _ & 'del ' & @TempDir & 'scratch.bat' FileWrite(@TempDir & "scratch.bat", $sCmdFile) Run(@TempDir & "scratch.bat", @TempDir, @SW_HIDE) EndFunc;==>_SelfDelete