I have a script that opens up a text file that contains information about a target hour, minute, and second. When I first run the script, the time showed is the time in the text file. However, when I put it in a loop and have it reload my file data, even if I change the txt file, the script still returns the old value.
#include <file.au3> #include <array.au3> global $target_min, $target_sec while 1 rereadconfig() WEnd Func rereadconfig() $file = "Z:\Documents\config.txt" $filehandle=FileOpen($file, 0) if ($filehandle=-1) Then MsgBox(0,"Missing Config File", "'config.txt' not present in this programs directory. Program will quit.") Exit EndIf local $config[2] For $i = 1 to _FileCountLines($file) step 3 $config[($i/3)] = FileReadLine($file, ($i+1)) Next FileClose($file) msgbox(0,"",$config[0]) $target_min = $config[0] $target_sec = $config[1] EndFunc
And my text file is
target minute 54 target second 0
The for loop I used a step of 3 to only read in the 2nd and 5th lines.
Here is what happens when I run this script:
msgbox pops up reading 54
at that point i change the 54 in the text file to say 25 and press save
then i press ok on the message box
msgbox pops up reading 54 again, even though the text file reads 25.
Is there something I'm missing? I closed the file each time it queries the text file, unless autoit stores a copy of the text file in the buffer.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!