Hello. So, I'm a noob to all of this scripty business.
I've read some blogs, watched some videos, and have tried to get through the help documents to understand what I need to do to reach my goal.
Here's the gist of what I'm trying to do:
FIRST OF ALL, I need to use FireFox.
I need to go to a website, login, click on a drop down menu, change my availability status, WAIT for something to happen (which occurs at random). When that random thing happens, I need to copy the random given text and paste it into a search field on another website, select search (or press enter).
At this point, I'm given two possible scenarios. If the first happens, a button appears on the screen asking me to search again. If that happens, that button MUST be pressed and once it is, scenario 2 always happens soon after. If that button DOES NOT appear, then scenario 2 will present me with text that needs to be copied and pasted into the ORIGINAL website, and finally a "send" button must be pressed.
Shew. I hope that's understandable lol. I found that with google chrome, right clicking on an item and selecting "inspect element" will give me some information that needs to be put into the script. Is that a necessary tool that needs to be used?
I obviously need some help. Please don't assume that I know anything and use baby language.