I'm trying to receive events about incoming calls from a VoIP software (Mitel UC Advanced - in case somebody wants to know). There is a SDK available which consists of one DLL file (TelephonyProxy.dll).
The documentation of the DLL file says the following about the Offering event:
The Listener class captures the telephony events raised by Unified Communicator
When used as COM class, the class ID is CE21C9EE-6671-4B1C-8B01-D7AA4C52CB6C.
Visual Basic example:
Public Class Listener
Offering event in detail:
The Offering event is raised when Unified Communicator receives an incoming call.
Visual Basic example:
Public Event Offering As Listener.OfferingEventHandler
Delegation in Visual Basic:
Public Delegate Sub OfferingEventHandler ( _ name As String, _ number As String _ )
This is what I produced in AutoIt based on the documentation:
Local $oError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "nothing") $oPhone = ObjCreate("{CE21C9EE-6671-4B1C-8B01-D7AA4C52CB6C}") $oPhoneEvent = ObjEvent($oPhone,"_PhoneEvent_") MsgBox(0,"isObj",IsObj($oPhone)) While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func _PhoneEvent_Offering($name,$number) MsgBox(0,"",$name & " " & $number) EndFunc
The problem is that the function '_PhoneEvent_Offering' is not executed on incoming calls. The object on the other hand is created (returns 1). The DLL's interface fullfills the requirements of AutoIt for working with it as far as I know. The 'oleviewer.exe' shows the IDispatch-interface under 'Telephony.Proxy' (see attached screenshot).
There are other API options in the DLL file, i.e. dialing a number. This works as desired so I bet I'm missing something with the ObjEvent stuff.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks, Bastian
When using an object to fetch possible errors I always get this on the console:
err.number is: -2147319785 err.windescription: Field name not defined in the record