Looking for a little direction here from the more experienced mindsets.
Has anyone substantially tackled this subject yet? Maybe something I have not yet found or just does not exist?
I am familiar with what I have listed under the resource links in my profile, but has anyone been able to do this
locally yet? No temp files please.
Stating some obviousness here so we can be on the same page this go around.
#include $somevar never works because that is not how it was designed to work, and makes perfect sense.
After compilation of the main files importing, exporting, or extending functionality directly does not work either, scripting language + interpreter = same reason you wont get a compiled .au3 script to run from memory "modau3 please with a side of mashed 00004000 potatoes" at least not legally by Autoit policies. Has this been worked out using pure autoit, or am I just asking stupid questions?