Once the user presses retry the MsgBox should close and you should be able to change stuff, but as of yet the whole program closes?
Ps. Here a part of the code.
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Ps. Here a part of the code.
[ autoit ]
Func _GUI() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $main) While 1 ;~ = true $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $msg = $btnManual $varElectosVersion = GUICtrlRead($hCombo) $varElectosVersionDash = StringReplace($varElectosVersion,".","-") ;Replaces the . for a - for use in the .sws and .ws. MsgBox(0,"varElectosVersion",$varElectosVersion) If $varElectosVersion = "" Then $RetryCancel = MsgBox(48 + 5, "Electos Version", "Error, please select an Electos version.") Switch $RetryCancel Case 4 ;Retry Return Case 2 ;Cancel Exit EndSwitch EndIf
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