So ive got a combo box that reads from an ini:
Global $ini_save_file = @ScriptDir & "\config.ini" Global $Combo = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 75, 15, 145, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) _ReadComboOptions_FromINI()
and ive got a label:
and the ini file looks like this:
Combo_value1=1 Combo_value2=2 Combo_value3=3 Combo_value4=4 Combo_value5=5 Combo_value6=6 Combo_value7=7 Combo_value7=7a Combo_value7=7b Label_value1=Text1 Label_value2=Text2 Label_value3=Text3 Label_value4=Text4 Label_value5=Text5 Label_value6=Text6 Label_value7=Text7 Label_value7=Text7a Label_value7=text7b
So what I want to happen is when I select a value in the combo box, is sets the label to the equivalant label value; EG: Combobox I select '1' and it would then automatically set Label to 'Text1' which its pulled from the ini file.
Anyone got any idea how I would do this, spent several hours trying to figure it out but got nowhere at all