ola! i'm trying to create a simple script to close running applications after that shutdown, the code is already working fine, i would like to make it simpler, minimize repetition in the code, i'm thinking of a function that would reuse the available variables.
code sample:
;processes $firefox = "firefox.exe" $chrome = "chrome.exe" Func zz() If ProcessExists($firefox) then ProcessClose($firefox) EndIf If ProcessExists($chrome) then ProcessClose($chrome) EndIf EndFunc If @OSArch = "X86" Then zz() Sleep(1000) Shutdown(1) Exit EndIf
what i would like is to have func zz() process all the variables, i will just to pass a single variable to func zz(), but this single variable is the culmination of all available variables, i like to make this work so that i would just add new apps easily and it will be processed
new code sample: