Hi @ all,
I'm quite new to autoit and I try to automate the postprocessing of an FEA using Autodesk Mechanical Simulation. For this I need to double click an item in a SysTreeView32. I think the tree view was modified by autodesk. Because on the top level I can only expand the activated item. Activating another item causes some calculation.
Here you can sse the tree:
This what i have so far (some sleeps and console print to check the script):
_Au3Setup() _WinWaitActivate("Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2013","") #Include <GuiTreeView.au3> $hwnd = ControlGetHandle ( "Autodesk Simulation Mechanical", "", "[CLASS:SysTreeView32; INSTANCE:2]" ) ControlTreeView ( "Autodesk Simulation Mechanical", "", "[CLASS:SysTreeView32; INSTANCE:2]", "Expand", "#0" ) ControlTreeView ( "Autodesk Simulation Mechanical", "", "[CLASS:SysTreeView32; INSTANCE:2]", "Expand", "#0|#8" ) ControlTreeView ( "Autodesk Simulation Mechanical", "", "[CLASS:SysTreeView32; INSTANCE:2]", "Select", "#0|#8" ) $control=ControlTreeView ( "Autodesk Simulation Mechanical", "", "[CLASS:SysTreeView32; INSTANCE:2]", "GetText", "#0|#8" )
AutoIt Info says:
Plain Text
>>>> Window <<<< Title: Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2013 - [Ergebnisse - [dynamische_lastffaelle : Stress]] Class: AlgFrame_MainWindow Position: -8, -8 Size: 1936, 1056 Style: 0x15CF0000 ExStyle: 0x00000110 Handle: 0x001F0AD6 >>>> Control <<<< Class: SysTreeView32 Instance: 2 ClassnameNN: SysTreeView322 Name: Advanced (Class): [CLASS:SysTreeView32; INSTANCE:2] ID: 101 Text: Position: 10, 203 Size: 435, 819 ControlClick Coords: 255, 362 Style: 0x5010002F ExStyle: 0x00000000 Handle: 0x001508A4 >>>> Mouse <<<< Position: 265, 557 Cursor ID: 0 Color: 0xFFFFFF >>>> StatusBar <<<< 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: >>>> ToolsBar <<<< >>>> Visible Text <<<< Ergebnisse - [dynamische_lastffaelle : Stress] FEM-Editor - [dynamische_lastffaelle.fem] AdImpApplicationFrame QATHwndSource InfoCenterHwndSource RibbonBar RibbonHwndSource Autodesk Simulation Mechanical Autodesk Simulation Mechanical >>>> Hidden Text <<<< Fatigue Wizard Werkzeuge Geometrie Berechnung Automatische Vernetzungswerkzeuge Netz Optionen anzeigen Anzeigeoptionen Blickwinkel Auswahlform Bearbeiten Animation Allgemeine Optionen Schnittflächen Lastfall Ergebnisoptionen Anzeigeoptionen Auswahl Auswahlform Blickwinkel Actions Bearbeiten Fenster Datei Menueleiste
Thank you for your help!