#include <Misc.au3> #include <ImageSearch.au3> Global $x = 0 Global $y = 0 local $array[5] $array[0] = "1.bmp" $array[1] = "2.bmp" $array[2] = "3.bmp" $array[3] = "4.bmp" $array[4] = "5.bmp" $result = 0 While 1 If WinActive("Game") Then HotKeySet("^e", "Start") Else Sleep(10000) EndIf WEnd Func Start() Send("{e}") Sleep(800) For $i = 0 To 4 If _ImageSearch($array[$i],0,$x,$y,2) Then Opt("MouseClickDelay", 9) Opt("MouseClickDownDelay", 9) MouseMove($x, $y, 2) MouseClick("right", $x, $y, 1, 9) EndIf Next Send("{ESC}") EndFunc
What i want it to do.
Search for the images in the array, making sure they all have the mouse right click on each of them IF found.
Problem, it seems to find say like Image 3 then it will stop on it and will not continue to 4,5 etc. how do i fix this?
Thank you for your help!