beeing a bit green on autoit, not knowing all the ways arround, i've been trying to bluid a script that provides 2 timers (count-down) BUT having a bit of a problem... i want them to be able to count at the same time...
GUICreate("Temporizadores", 150, 150, 438, 156)
$tempo1 = 6 ; segundos
$tempo2 = 5 ; segundos
Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
If ($tempo1*1000)-$new <= 0 Then
$new = ($tempo1*1000)-$new
$seconds = Round ($new/1000)
$newMin = Floor ($seconds/60)
$newSec = Mod ($seconds, 60)
If $newSec < 10 Then $newSec = "0"&$newSec
If ($tempo1*1000)-$new <= 0 Then
$new = ($tempo1*1000)-$new
$seconds = Round ($new/1000)
$newMin = Floor ($seconds/60)
$newSec = Mod ($seconds, 60)
If $newSec < 10 Then $newSec = "0"&$newSec