Please help me in this script:
; =========================== GUI LOGÓW ================================= $GuiLOG = GUICreate("Logi E-Mail", 440, 324, 192, 124) $showlog = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 8, 417, 305) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; =========================== Gdy CheckBox zaznaczony================================= if $InfoChecked = "1" then for $i = 1 to $inputilosc $GmailUser = GUICtrlRead($adresat) ;Adres e-mail nadawcy(jednoczesnie uzytkownik) $GmailPass = GUICtrlRead($inputhaslo) ;Hasło do adresu e-mail nadawcy $ToEmail = GUICtrlRead($odbiorca) ;Adres e-mail odbiorcy $StmpServer = GUICtrlRead($wp) ;Adres serwera stmp nadawcy $Temat = GUICtrlRead($inputtemat) ;Temat Maila $Tresc = GUICtrlRead($edit) ;Tresc Maila $Nadawca = GUICtrlRead($inputnadawca) ;to zostanie wyswietlone w polu nadawca (Dowolny tekst) $Zalocznik = $otwieranie ;Wysłanie maila _INetSmtpMailCom($StmpServer, $Nadawca, $GmailUser, $ToEmail, $GmailUser, $GmailPass, "" & $temat & " " & $i & "/" & $inputilosc, $Tresc, $Zalocznik);mozna dorzucic jeszcze jeden argument z załącznikiem ; ============== This line please help \/ ============= GUICtrlSetData($showlog,"Wyslano " & $i & " z " & $inputilosc & " E-Maili!") ; ============== This line please help /\ ============= Next msgbox(0,"Brawo!","Wyslales " & $inputilosc & " emaili do " & $ToEmail)
GuiCtrlSetData - how to make an added line and it does not change.
this is piece of code