The Singleton function is behaving differently between my desktop and my laptop, even in a compiled file. For some reason on the laptop, it returns a handle every time the function is called regardless of whether the $sOccurrenceName value is already used or not.
I took this code and compiled:
#include <Misc.au3> #include <Debug.au3> $a = _Singleton('test', 1) $b = _Singleton('test', 1) MsgBox(0, '', _DebugBugReportEnv() & @LF & $a & @LF & $ B)
When run on my desktop I get this:
AutoIt: AdminMode Compiled (Os:WIN_7/SP1/X64 OSLang:0409) 0x000001DC 0
But on my laptop I get this:
AutoIt: AdminMode Compiled (Os:WIN_7/SP1/X64 OSLang:0409) 0x0000023C 0x00000240
I don't even know where to start with troubleshooting this. Any ideas?