I have this script:
#region HotKeySet HotKeySet("{F4}","PIXELREAD") HotKeySet("{F2}","PIXELFIND") HotKeySet("{f3}","ExitProg") #ENDREGION #region variables dim $pos[2] dim $color Global $counter=0 Global $searchfor = 12059395 Global $on=0 #ENDREGION Func ExitProg() Exit EndFunc #region Functions Func PIXELREAD() $pos = MouseGetPos() $color = PixelGetColor($pos[0],$pos[1]) MsgBox(0,"Color",$color&@CRLF&$pos[0]&","&$pos[1]) EndFunc Func PIXELFIND() $on=1 While $on=1 $pos = PixelSearch(133,231,1155,936,$searchfor) if not @error Then MouseMove($pos[0],$pos[1],0) Sleep(500) MouseDown("left") EndIf If @error Then $counter=$counter+1 EndIf if $counter>5 Then $on=0 EndIf WEnd MouseUp("left") MsgBox(0,"It's Colored","We colored it.") EndFunc #ENDREGION While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd
when i press F2 it search for pixel color and left click on it. Works fine.
I want to search pixels in a small area in the center of the screen (200 x 200 px)
If no pixel find then make area larger and larger until pixel is find and left click on it,
then sleep 4 sec and make area small again instant (200 x 200 px)
thank you