I'm trying to make a program to run with Windows Journal in order to select it's colors by hotkey. I've gotten most of the script finished and working. I'm just now making a GUI for it. I've found that it does indeed use an imagelist for the images of the colors displayed. I want to use that exact image list in my GUI for a more user-friendly appearance. My problem is that I am not able to grab it and use it. I've tried copying it as well and to no avail. I think it's probably due to the fact that my application does not have the appropriate privileges to access that programs resources.
My script is this (and many variations of this)
$hWnd = ControlGetHandle("[CLASS:JournalApp]", "", 113) ;113 is the control ID for the color selecting toolbar
$hImageJS = _GUICtrlToolbar_GetImageList($hWnd)
$hImage = _GUIImageList_Duplicate($hImageJS)
; I know that there is an image list as I have found that I get returns that would support this idea from with GUICtrlToolbar_GetButtonImage($hWnd, $cmdId)
I always get 0 from the imagecount. I've tried various approaches, such as accessing it directly and to no avail. Any ideas/suggestions/comments?