I discovered bug in AutoIt.
I write here first and not directly on BugTrac to be sure.
Here is simple test script:
GUICreate("ToolTip bug", 400, 300) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Test1', 10,10,100,25) GUICtrlSetTip(-1,'tip 1') GUICtrlCreateLabel('Test2', 10,50,100,25) GUICtrlSetTip(-1,'tip 2') GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = -3 Then ExitLoop WEnd
When you place cursor on label1 and then immediatelly after tooltip appear on label2 and back to label1 all is OK (tooltip appears)
but when you place cursor on label1 and don't move cursor until tooltip dissapear (approx 5 seconds depends on Windows setting) then after placing cursor on label2 tooltip appears but back on label1 tooltip don't appear anymore
Note1: I tested it on "my latest AutoIt beta"
Note2: This bug isn't in AutoIt so it was introduced in some new version
So question is if this bug is also in latest AutoIt release/beta version.
Now I discovered that it can be unblocked by click on label, after that ToolTip shows correctly again
This bug apply also for other controls not only labels, tested on buttons