Hello guys!
It is my fisrt post in here and I would really appreciate the help.
I'm newbie and I read that I can not run two Func in one .au3 at same time if one of them are sleep, so then I'm running two script files .au3 and using
HotKeySet("2", "TogglePause")
Func TogglePause()
$Paused = NOT $Paused
While $Paused
on the main.au3, the other.au3 keep running without pause.... What should I do to pause them both?
I tried put this Func Pause on both .au3 files, but only the main.au3 pauses when I press 2 and other.au3 keeps running.
Maybe is there anyway to pause all scripts running without any function? Like any code build in AutoIt3_x64.exe