Why doesn't this work? I get the table (an array of 108 x 6) but it won't list it out. I've put the six items in the first line in the array at the bottom of script.
#include <IE.au3> #include <Array.au3> $oIE = _IECreate("http://www...", 1, 0, 1) Sleep(4000) ;$oIE = _IEAttach("Search") $oTable = _IETableGetCollection($oIE, 2) $aTableData = _IETableWriteToArray($oTable, True) _ArrayDisplay($aTableData) For $i = 0 To UBound($aTableData) - 1 ConsoleWrite($aTableData[$i] & @CRLF) Next ;0 [1] ;1 22 May 2013 ;2 Queen v Kasper Stamers ;3 2013 NICC 11 ;4 Weir J ;5 HTML Download