; Script Start - Add your code below here ; A test function $cButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 1, 1, 1, 1) ; Show the error returned ConsoleWrite("The error value returned was: " & @error & @CRLF) ; But if we try to access it again ConsoleWrite("The error value now is: " & @error & @CRLF) ; Because it was reset by the first ConsoleWrite Global $WinPos = WinGetPos("Derp") ; if element 0(xPos) equals 1297 and element 1 (xPos) equals 784 If $WinPos[0] == 1297 And $WinPos[1] == 784 Then ;Variable Color takes color from Xpox 834 and XPos 774 $color = PixelGetColor(751, 750) ; While color is equal to color code While $color == (0x171B1E) ;send the key 3 Send("3") ;Sleep 13,000 millisec Sleep(13000) ; if conditon false end loop WEnd EndIf
Howdy Neighbors,
This code seems to error out on me, I am unsure why is it because I am trying to use the AND keyword ?
NOTE: I had to indent using the space key so I know it looks a little dodge