Hey guys, I am very unfamiliar with AutoIt3 and scripting in general. I've been playing with a piece of code I found on these forums a while back trying to automate TrueCrypt volume creation on Windows. The script performs as it should but I have two problems that I could use guidance on.
1) Specifying where the TrueCrypt volume is stored at. Right now it goes into the directory of the script.
2) Getting around the iniReader, storing the password in a settings.ini file is not the best approach, are there ways to prompt the user for this input? (as well as other configs)
Here is what I'm working with
#include <winapi.au3> #include <Constants.au3> AutoItSetOption("WinDetectHiddenText", 1) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 3) Global $PID_TC_Format = 0 Global $Encryption = iniRead("C:\Users\Cameron\workspace\settings.ini", "settings", "EncryptionAlgorithm", "AES") Global $Hash = iniRead("C:\Users\Cameron\workspace\settings.ini", "settings", "HashAlgorithm", "RIPEMD-160") Global $Size = iniRead("C:\Users\Cameron\workspace\settings.ini", "settings", "SizeInKB", "10000") Global $FileSystemType = iniRead("C:\Users\Cameron\workspace\settings.ini", "settings", "FileSystemType", "NTFS") Global $Password = iniRead("C:\Users\Cameron\workspace\settings.ini", "settings", "Password", "password") Global $Location = iniRead("C:\Users\Cameron\workspace\settings.ini", "settings", "Location", "location") ConsoleWrite("_TC_Container_Create("") returned " & _TC_Container_Create("") & @TAB & @error & @CRLF) Func _TC_Container_Create($TC_Container_Location = $Location, $TC_Container_Encryption = $Encryption, $TC_Container_Hash = $Hash, $TC_Container_Size_KB = $Size, $TC_Container_Password = $Password, $TC_Container_Filesystem = $FileSystemType) Local $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = False, $hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard = 0, $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 0 ; NTFS min Size = 2829 KB ; FAT min Size = 275 KB ; ControlSetText() if it's just text you're sending. It's much faster. If Not $TC_Container_Location Then $TC_Container_Location = @ScriptDir & "\Test.tc" If $TC_Container_Size_KB < 275 Then $TC_Container_Size_KB = 275 If $TC_Container_Size_KB < 2829 Then $TC_Container_Filesystem = "FAT" If FileExists($TC_Container_Location) Then If MsgBox(262420, "TCMyFiles", "The Target File" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $TC_Container_Location & @CRLF & @CRLF & "already exists. Do you want to overwrite the file?") <> 6 Then SetError(99) Return 0 EndIf FileDelete($TC_Container_Location) Else $TC_Check_Location = FileOpen($TC_Container_Location, 10) If $TC_Check_Location <> -1 Then FileClose($TC_Check_Location) FileDelete($TC_Container_Location) Else SetError(96) Return 0 EndIf EndIf $PID_TC_Format = Run('"C:\Program Files\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt Format.exe"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) ;$PID_TC_Format = Run('"' & @ScriptDir & '\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt Format.exe"', @ScriptDir, @SW_SHOW) ProcessWait($PID_TC_Format, 5) If $PID_TC_Format = 0 Then MsgBox(0, 'Error', '"TrueCrypt Format.exe" new PID could not be detected.') SetError(98) Return 0 Else If WinWait("[TITLE:TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard; CLASS:CustomDlg]", "", 10) = 0 Then MsgBox(0, 'Error', '"TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard" window not found...') SetError(97) Return 0 Else $hWnds = WinList("[TITLE:TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard; CLASS:CustomDlg]", "") For $I = 0 To UBound($hWnds) - 1 If WinGetProcess($hWnds[$I][1]) = $PID_TC_Format Then $hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard = $hWnds[$I][1] Next If $hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard <> 0 Then ConsoleWrite('Step 01: Found TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard hWnd: ' & $hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard & @CRLF) $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 1 Else $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True EndIf If $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = False Then $TC_Timer = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($TC_Timer) < 5000 If StringInStr(WinGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard), "Encrypt the system partition or entire system drive") Then ControlClick($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:3]') ConsoleWrite('Step 02: Create File Container' & @CRLF) $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 2 ExitLoop Else $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True EndIf WEnd EndIf If $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = False Then $TC_Timer = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($TC_Timer) < 5000 If StringInStr(WinGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard), "Volume Type") Then ControlClick($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:3]') ConsoleWrite('Step 03: Select Standard Type' & @CRLF) $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 3 ExitLoop Else $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True EndIf WEnd EndIf If $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = False Then $TC_Timer = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($TC_Timer) < 5000 If StringInStr(WinGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard), "Volume Location") Then ControlSetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]', $TC_Container_Location, 1) If ControlGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]') = $TC_Container_Location Then ControlClick($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:3]') ConsoleWrite('Step 04: Set Container location to ' & $TC_Container_Location & @CRLF) $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 4 ExitLoop EndIf Else $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True EndIf WEnd EndIf If $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = False Then $TC_Timer = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($TC_Timer) < 5000 If StringInStr(WinGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard), "Encryption Options") Then ControlCommand($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, "", "[CLASS:ComboBox; INSTANCE:1]", "SelectString", $TC_Container_Encryption) If ControlCommand($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, "", "[CLASS:ComboBox; INSTANCE:1]", "GetCurrentSelection", "") = $TC_Container_Encryption Then ControlClick($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:3]') ConsoleWrite('Step 05: Set Encryption Algorithm to ' & $TC_Container_Encryption & @CRLF) $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 5 ExitLoop EndIf Else $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True EndIf WEnd EndIf If $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = False Then $TC_Timer = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($TC_Timer) < 5000 If StringInStr(WinGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard), "Volume Size") Then If _WinAPI_GetWindowLong(ControlGetHandle($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:6]'), $GWL_STYLE) <> 1342373897 Then ControlClick($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, "", ControlGetHandle($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:6]')) ElseIf _WinAPI_GetWindowLong(ControlGetHandle($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:6]'), $GWL_STYLE) = 1342373897 Then ConsoleWrite('Step 06: Select KB as Container Size' & @CRLF) $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 6 ExitLoop EndIf Else $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True EndIf WEnd EndIf If $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = False Then $TC_Timer = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($TC_Timer) < 5000 If StringInStr(WinGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard), "Volume Size") Then ControlSetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]', $TC_Container_Size_KB, 1) If ControlGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]') = $TC_Container_Size_KB Then ControlClick($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:3]') ConsoleWrite('Step 07: Set Container Size to ' & $TC_Container_Size_KB & ' KB' & @CRLF) $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 7 ExitLoop EndIf Else $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True EndIf WEnd EndIf If $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = False Then $TC_Timer = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($TC_Timer) < 5000 If StringInStr(WinGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard), "Volume Password") Then ControlClick($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:6]') ControlSetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]', $TC_Container_Password, 1) If ControlGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]') = $TC_Container_Password Then ControlSetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]', $TC_Container_Password, 1) If ControlGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]') = $TC_Container_Password Then ControlClick($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:3]') ConsoleWrite('Step 08: Set Container Password to "' & $TC_Container_Password & '"' & @CRLF) $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 8 ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Else $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True EndIf WEnd ControlClick("[TITLE:TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard; CLASS:#32770]", '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]') EndIf If $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = False Then $TC_Timer = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($TC_Timer) < 5000 If WinExists("[TITLE:TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard; CLASS:#32770]", "") = 1 Then ControlClick("[TITLE:TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard; CLASS:#32770]", '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]') If StringInStr(WinGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard), "Volume Format") Then ControlCommand($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, "", "[CLASS:ComboBox; INSTANCE:1]", "SelectString", $TC_Container_Filesystem) If ControlCommand($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, "", "[CLASS:ComboBox; INSTANCE:1]", "GetCurrentSelection", "") = $TC_Container_Filesystem Then ConsoleWrite('Step 09: Set Container File Format to ' & $TC_Container_Filesystem & @CRLF) $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 9 ControlClick($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:3]') ExitLoop EndIf Else $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True EndIf WEnd EndIf If $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = False Then $TC_Container_Creation_Progress = "" $TC_Container_Creation_Progress_Save = "" $TC_Timer = TimerInit() While 1 $TC_Container_Creation_Progress = StringReplace(ControlGetText($hWnd_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard, '', '[CLASS:Static; INSTANCE:12]'), "%", "") If ($TC_Container_Creation_Progress <> $TC_Container_Creation_Progress_Save) And $TC_Container_Creation_Progress <> 100 Then $TC_Timer = TimerInit() $TC_Container_Creation_Progress_Save = $TC_Container_Creation_Progress ConsoleWrite("Step 10: Container creation progress: " & $TC_Container_Creation_Progress & "%" & @CRLF) EndIf If $TC_Container_Creation_Progress = 100.000 Then ConsoleWrite("Step 10: Container creation progress: " & $TC_Container_Creation_Progress & "%" & @CRLF) $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 10 ExitLoop EndIf If TimerDiff($TC_Timer) > 5000 Then ConsoleWrite("Step 10: No progress in 5 seconds... failure?" & @CRLF) $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf If $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = False Then $TC_Timer = TimerInit() While 1 If WinExists("[TITLE:TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard; CLASS:#32770]", "The TrueCrypt volume has been successfully created.") = 1 Then ControlClick("[TITLE:TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard; CLASS:#32770]", '', '[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]') ConsoleWrite("Step 11: Container creation finished successfully" & @CRLF) $TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code = 11 ExitLoop EndIf If TimerDiff($TC_Timer) > 15000 Then ConsoleWrite("Step 11: Progress at 100% but TC failed to notify about success for 15 seconds...failure?" & @CRLF) $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf EndIf EndIf SetError($TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_Error_Code) If $b_TC_Volume_Creation_Wizard_failed = True Then Return 0 Else Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TC_Container_Create Func OnAutoItExit() ProcessClose($PID_TC_Format) EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit