I'm working on a script to open a series of webpages, extract and save certain information, then output that information. To do this, I open the webpage, send a control+a, send a control+c, then paste the webpage to notepad and use StringRegExp to find the relevant data.
The problem I am having is that the information on certain webpages loads in a chart, which loads after the webpage has loaded, thus using ShellExecuteWait or WinWait doesn't make the program wait until the information I want is actually there and so when I copy the webpage the important information isn't copied. My solution at this point is just to Sleep(1000), which usually gives enough time for the entire page to load, however occasionally there is not enough time and I cannot be certain of the internet speeds everywhere this program is to be used.
I have searched the forums/web and found a few potentially helpful solutions with Internet Explorer, however I would much rather use Google Chrome. Is there a way to wait for all/certain parts of a Google Chrome webpage to respond before continuing the code? Or should I just admit defeat and recode for use with Internet Explorer? Or is there a better way all together to accomplish this with Google Chrome?
Any and all help or advice is appreciated.