Scenario: My laptop will be stolen, I tried to activate prey, however it didn't work. I have my TeamViewer 7, Dropbox, and autohotkey installed. Autohotkey is monitoring a certain folder in my DP folder and will execute any executable that will appear on that folder.
My Script Features:
*Takes screenshot when you run it and save to dp folder
*Takes IP address and save to logfile
*Records nearby Wifi and all info on them BSSID MAC save to logfile
*Will run in teamviewer and dropbox in case it will be killed after I upload my tracker.
*Everything gathered will be copied and synced to dropbox folder.
Autohotkey: [Run in startup]
*Monitors Dropbox Specific Folder for any Executable
*Have a dedicated folder [Run in startup/Registered as a service]
*In case I want to take control my pc
I want to add:
*Webcam screenshot
*Check IP and NearbyWifi every 30minutes and save to logfile.
*Registers itself on startup for every user via registry.
*Kill process like boxcryptor,keepass,chrome [incase of sensitive files]
*Clean history logs via ccleaner installed with a silent command
*Execute teamviewer minimized
*Uploads to FTP incase it dropbox is uninstalled.
*Upload to a dropbox folder with username and pass via api
Note: I know there are Legal Rats Lying around, but I want to create this one with the dependency of dropbox. I'm a beginner on autoit and will appreciate any kind of help. If you see your code here let me know. I don't own any code, I copied them on this forums on different threads. This is not a bot, this is a tracker which you can upload to dropbox folder synced with the computer stolen, autohotkey is waiting and will be execute exe on that folder.
It is sloppy. I know. It would be glad if someone can help me out improve this script. Thank you in advance.
My Script Features:
*Takes screenshot when you run it and save to dp folder
*Takes IP address and save to logfile
*Records nearby Wifi and all info on them BSSID MAC save to logfile
*Will run in teamviewer and dropbox in case it will be killed after I upload my tracker.
*Everything gathered will be copied and synced to dropbox folder.
Autohotkey: [Run in startup]
*Monitors Dropbox Specific Folder for any Executable
*Have a dedicated folder [Run in startup/Registered as a service]
*In case I want to take control my pc
I want to add:
*Webcam screenshot
*Check IP and NearbyWifi every 30minutes and save to logfile.
*Registers itself on startup for every user via registry.
*Kill process like boxcryptor,keepass,chrome [incase of sensitive files]
*Clean history logs via ccleaner installed with a silent command
*Execute teamviewer minimized
*Uploads to FTP incase it dropbox is uninstalled.
*Upload to a dropbox folder with username and pass via api
Note: I know there are Legal Rats Lying around, but I want to create this one with the dependency of dropbox. I'm a beginner on autoit and will appreciate any kind of help. If you see your code here let me know. I don't own any code, I copied them on this forums on different threads. This is not a bot, this is a tracker which you can upload to dropbox folder synced with the computer stolen, autohotkey is waiting and will be execute exe on that folder.
It is sloppy. I know. It would be glad if someone can help me out improve this script. Thank you in advance.
[ autoit ]
#NoTrayIcon #include #include #include #include ;[GOAL1: GETTING MAIN INFO FOR RECON] ;Getting Public IP $Date = @Hour & ":" & @MIN & " #" & "DATE:" & _NowDate() $Control =("E:\Dropbox\NetworkSync\Sgol\") $Dir =("C:\Program Files (x86)\") While 1 $timer = timerinit() $file = FileOpen($Control & "IpAddress.txt", 1) $PublicIP = _GetIP() do Sleep(10) until timerdiff($timer) >= 1800000; exit loop when 1800 seconds FileWriteLine($file, ""& $PublicIP & " @ " & "TIME:" & $Date) FileClose($file) Wend; and restart.. ;Nearby Networks RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c netsh wlan show all > " & $Control & "NearWifi.txt", "", @SW_HIDE) ;Recon [Probing Network] RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c netview > " & $Control & "NetworkMachines.txt", "", @SW_HIDE) ;Screenshot _ScreenCapture_Capture($Control & "Screen.jpg") ;Run Guns for Recon $StartTimer = TimerInit() ; Define the initial time we will be comparing to later $ProgDir =("C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\Version7\") $DropDir = ("C:\Users\Bacon\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\") $process1 = "teamviewer.exe" ; define the process $process2 = "dropbox.exe" $exe1 = $ProgDir & "Teamviewer.exe" $exe2 = $DropDir & "Dropbox.exe" Checkprocess() ; Run our checkprocess() function on initial execute While 1 ; Infinite Loop Condition is always true, you can exit these loops with "ExitLoop" If TimerDiff($StartTimer) > 60000 Then ; Only run the conditional code if the difference in time is greater than 1 min (60000 Miliseconds) Checkprocess() EndIf Sleep(10) ; So we don't kill the CPU WEnd ; End of While Loop Func Checkprocess() If Not ProcessExists($process1) Then Run($exe1) ; checks if process exists.. If not, it will Run the process If Not ProcessExists($process2) Then Run($exe2) $StartTimer = TimerInit() ; Reset the timer since the script just ran EndFunc ;==>Checkprocess