Hey guys Im pretty new with autoit and I wanted to ask why my script doesn't work
I just want that it presses Enter again and again
Also it says : --> Press Ctrl+Alt+F5 to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop (I don't really know what this means -.- btw. Im from Germany , maby this is the reason i don't understand it)
Anyway here is my code :
Plain Text
#include <GUIConstants.au3> GUICreate("Enter pressed" ,200,150 ) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Enter pressed:", 1, 30, 50) $Enter = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("0", 50, 30, 50) $info = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Normal State", 1, 70, 1000) HotKeySet("{f1}","_Start") HotKeySet("{f2}","_Pause") HotKeySet("{f3}","stop") Func Stop() Exit EndFunc Func _Start() While 1 Send("{Enter down}") Sleep(1200) Send("{Enter up}") GUICtrlSetData($Enter, GUICtrlRead($Enter) + 1) WEnd EndFunc Func _Pause() GUICtrlSetData($Info, "Paused") Sleep(10000) GUICtrlSetData($Info, "Normal State") EndFunc