Hey there guys i have been trying for too long now to make Autoit read the pointer i have. I can't figure it out it always gives me some weird addresses or always the value 0
Here my pointer:
And here my attempt in Autoit:
#include <NomadMemory.au3> SetPrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege", 1) $pid = ProcessExists("Client.exe") Global $Offset1[5] $Offset1[0] = Dec("2b4") ; Static Addr Oset. $Offset1[1] = Dec("7c") $Offset1[2] = Dec("608") $Offset1[3] = Dec("98") $Offset1[4] = Dec("478") $StaticOffset = Dec("6EBE1C") $openmem = _MemoryOpen($pid) ; Open the memory $baseADDR = _MemoryGetBaseAddress($openmem, 1) $finalADDR = "0x" & Hex($baseADDR + $StaticOffset) ; Creates the final static address you read from. $Value = _MemoryPointerRead($finalADDR, $openmem, $Offset1) _MemoryClose($openmem) ConsoleWrite ( "Address = " & $Value[0] & @CRLF & "Value = " & $Value[1] & @CRLF & "Base addr=" & $baseADDR & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Final addr=" & $finalADDR & @CRLF)
And here the Console output:
Address = 0x0000000000000478 Value = 0 Base addr=0 Final addr=0x006EBE
You can notice here that the base adress says "0" is that normal?
I hope you can help me here
Thanks in Advance