Trying to add some functionality to the command/function _ArrayDisplay, and I am a little stuck...I added the following to Array.au3, can someone help a little, after clicking the header of the display, I am trying to sort them based on the header clicked, I would like to keep the original bracketed numbers to the left of the display. Similar on how it displays now, but when I click it, it removes the first column and shifts everything to the left. I would like it to remain in place. Also, I was thinking that this code, when complete could be added to the _ArrayDisplay command?
This code was added to the Array.au3 file in the main while loop for the function _ArraysDisplay()
This code was added to the Array.au3 file in the main while loop for the function _ArraysDisplay()
Case $hListView $aSortedArray = $avArray ; ; $avNewArray[$i] &= $aSortedArray[$i][$y] & '|' $avNewArray[$i] &= $aSortedArray[$i][$y] ;