Hello everyone,
I've been experiencing a memory leak in one of my scripts, and I've traced it back to $STDOUT_CHILD.
After some research, I found some old topics (2007) about it, which indicates it's already solved, but for some reason, I still have a memory leak..
This is a (faster?) version of Valik's example, I think it meets the three conditions mentioned in the Help file, also, according to taskmgr.exe, the handles count is not continuously rising:
HotKeySet('{ESC}', 'Quit') While 1 $PID = Run('ping -t', '', @SW_HIDE, 2) Sleep(50) StdioClose($PID) StdoutRead($PID) ProcessClose($PID) Sleep(50) StdoutRead($PID) StdioClose($PID) Sleep(10) WEnd Func Quit() ProcessClose($PID) Exit EndFunc
Am I missing something here?