I'm trying to automate a page. I've been doing this successfully for about a year or two now with all sorts of webpages.
I'm having trouble with this one, and pretty sure it uses cross browser to load pages into a frameset from another source.
<FRAMESET frameSpacing=0 border=0 frameBorder=0 rows="101, *"> <FRAME id=headerFrame noResize marginHeight=0 border=0 src="HeaderPage" frameBorder=0 name=navTop marginWidth=0 scrolling=no> <FRAMESET border=0 cols=200,*,0,0> <FRAME id=leftMenuFrame marginHeight=0 src="LeftMenuPage/wicket:pageMapName/HOME" name=leftMenu marginWidth=0> <FRAME onload=onFrameLoad() marginHeight=0 src="BodyPage" frameBorder=0 name=body marginWidth=0> </FRAMESET> <NOFRAMES> </NOFRAMES> </FRAMESET> </HTML>
I can't seem to get into the "body" frame where all the content is?
Are there any advanced users that can explain to me how this works and where can I find the source of this frame to get into it so I can automate my data lookups?