Hello everyone,
I was into autoit a few years ago and changed my line of work so i never got into it, now my new job will require me to learn a lot more.
Currently i'm trying to ping a list of company IP's and write the result to a text file.
So far I was able to use a script that i had from a long time ago, please see below;
#include <file.au3> Dim $aIPList If Not _FileReadToArray("IPList.txt",$aIPList) Then MsgBox(4096,"Error", " Error reading log to Array error:" & @error) Exit EndIf For $x = 1 to $aIPList[0] FileWriteLine ("PingLogFile.txt", $aIPList[$x] & "==> ONLINE" & Ping($aIPList[$x])) Next
It's working perfect the way I want but need some changes done:
Right now My IPList.txt has the following for example:
The result in PingLogFile.txt result: ==> ONLINE 19 ==> ONLINE 0 ==> ONLINE 19
It's showing the status and the millisecond after it, the problem is although is offline (0 MS) it's showing the default "ONLINE" status.
Further If possible I would like to have it do a final count at how many are alive/not pingable and a cleaner output; eg:
We can even get rid of the milliseconds, I don't have the use for it. ==> ONLINE 19 ==> OFFLINE 0 ==> ONLINE 19 IP's Alive: ==> 2 Dead: ==> 1
Thanks again in advance for anyone that can help out as I have a few hundred Ip's to ping and my boss wants me to manually ping each and every single one of them and record it!