*First Post! AAAND I accidentally hit enter when entering the title... one sec adding content...
This script runs the program and automates an activation under our account. There isn't any way to automate this otherwise.
The If-Then portion of my script isn't working: (The Reset activation option)
#region ---Au3Recorder generated code Start (v3.3.7.0) --- #region --- Internal functions Au3Recorder Start --- Func _Au3RecordSetup() Opt('WinWaitDelay',100) Opt('WinDetectHiddenText',1) Opt('MouseCoordMode',0) EndFunc Func _WinWaitActivate($title,$text,$timeout=0) WinWait($title,$text,$timeout) If Not WinActive($title,$text) Then WinActivate($title,$text) WinWaitActive($title,$text,$timeout) EndFunc #endregion --- Internal functions Au3Recorder End --- Run('"C:\Program Files (x86)\Movie Magic\MM Scheduling\MM Scheduling.exe"') _WinWaitActivate(" Select an option below","") Send("{ALTDOWN}{F4}{ALTUP}") _WinWaitActivate("Activation Wizard","") Send("{TAB}{SPACE}") _WinWaitActivate("License Activation Wizard - Step 1","") Send("OMMITTED SERIAL NUMBER{TAB}{TAB}{SPACE}") If _WinWaitActivate("Reset Activation Options","") then Send("{SHIFTDOWN}{TAB}{TAB}{SHIFTUP}{SPACE}") Endif _WinWaitActivate("License Activation Wizard - Step 2","", 60) Send("{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}ftvsupport{SHIFTDOWN}2{SHIFTUP}chapman.edu{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{SPACE}") Sleep(600) Send("{TAB}{TAB}{SPACE}") Sleep(600) _WinWaitActivate("License Activation Wizard - Step 3","") Send("{SPACE}") _WinWaitActivate("License Details","") Send("{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{SPACE}") _WinWaitActivate("Movie Magic Scheduling 5","") Send("{ALTDOWN}{F4}{ALTUP}") WinClose("Movie Magic Scheduling 5","") #endregion --- Au3Recorder generated code End ---
When running the script, if the ("Reset Activation Options","") window isn't there (which sometimes it just doesn't come up with the account information), the script just stops at that portion and doesn't go any further. I'm still new to Autoit, but I think that string should be ok. This program is notoriously hard to automate since they didn't code shortcut keys into anything and I have to use the tabs to get what I want working.
You can tell I used Auto-It for a majority of this. I'm still learning how these functions work and have read many threads and just haven't found the right answer. Hopefully it's not something super simple and someone flags me for not finding the right answer...