Hello fellow coders, today my problem is that I can't declare an array using a variable. Also the SyntaxCheck doesn't recognize the "Next". Maybe it's because of the Array error, but I dunno. Script:
Func LocalSearch() Local $Success = 0 Local $sSearchedFoundCount = 0 Local $sWantedWord = InputBox("Search", "Enter the word you want to search.") For $i = 0 To $CurrentDicSize Step 1 Local $sTmpArray = StringSplit(IniRead($DicIni, "Vocabs", "Voc" & $i, ""),"|") If StringInStr($sTmpArray[2], $sWantedWord) <> 0 Then Local $Success = 1 Local $sLocalSearchArray[$sSearchedFoundCount] = $i ;The error occurs here. (ERROR: syntax error) $sSearchedFoundCount + 1 ElseIf StringInStr($sTmpArray[3], $sWantedWord) <> 0 Then Local $Success = 1 Local $sLocalSearchArray[$sSearchedFoundCount] = $i $sSearchedFoundCount + 1 EndIf Next ;Here is the Next, which isn't recognized. If $Success = 1 Then _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($ListView1) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems(GUICtrlGetHandle($ListView1)) For $i = 0 To $sSearchedFoundCount Step 1 Local $sTmpArray = StringSplit(IniRead($DicIni, "Vocabs", "Voc" & $i, ""), "|", 1) _GUICtrlListView_AddItem($ListView1, $sTmpArray[1]) _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($ListView1, $i, $sTmpArray[2], 1) _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($ListView1, $i, $sTmpArray[3], 2) Next MsgBox(0, "List", "If you want to see the Main List again, press: STRG+ALT+ESC, or press hide/show spanish." & @CRLF & '"Hide spanish" does NOT work with search results!') _HotKey_Assign(BitOR($CK_CONTROL, $CK_ALT, $VK_ESCAPE), "ReDrawListView") _HotKey_Enable() Else MsgBox(0, "Not found", "I haven't found anything, please use the translate online button, or redefine your search term!") EndIf EndFunc ;==>LocalSearch
All vars used, are already declared smoothly. Also, for some reason the FileInstall() func, does't work anymore since I patched to the latest "automatic installer" beta, also now of a sudden, the includes are messed up. I'm always getting already declared erros, before it worked fine. It's a pain to test with "Go", if you're used to "Beta-Run" :/ BTW: I also attached my main script folder with everything, I hope it's easier for you with it.
It worked before, so it can't be me I think.