I was working on a solution for adamchapman on his topic here. I was able to make the option change quite easily, but downloading the file is a different story.
AutoIt Code to change select option
I reviewed the function tied to the change event. This same function is called when you click the download link. The only difference is the argument is false and true respectively. I removed the code that is executed when false as it is not relevant for the issue. It basically builds a string with the selected option value + true + symbol (Example: 5d|true|AA), then sets the value of the input that has an id ending in submitString and submits the form.
function getQuotes(download) { if(!download) showLoadingSpinner(); var data = $("[id$='ddlTimeFrame']").val(); var submitString = data + '|' + download + "|" + quoteBoxSelectedSymbol; if (!download) { <!-- Removed --> } else { $("[id$='submitString']").val(submitString); $("#getFile").submit(); } }
Now we move on to the form that is submitted by the getQuotes function. The input with id "quotes_content_left_submitString" is the input that will have the value set from the previous function.
<form id="getFile" method="post" action="http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/aa/historical" lpsubdone="1"> <div class="aspNetHidden"> <input id="__VIEWSTATE" name="__VIEWSTATE" value="TRIMMED" type="hidden"> </div> <div class="aspNetHidden"> <input id="__VIEWSTATEENCRYPTED" name="__VIEWSTATEENCRYPTED" value="" type="hidden"> <input id="__EVENTVALIDATION" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="FslL5mK8EfHMdRmVPirjPRHx0rzoR4ZblfHZcyVf/H6sJ58PbPdR2nXwJige52KEPcse4Wp37klD+PDrLXkhysNoAbltd+CEe5ntj67kFmk=" type="hidden"> </div> <input id="quotes_content_left_submitString" name="ctl00$quotes_content_left$submitString" value="" type="hidden"> </form>
I believe this can be easily solved using WinHTTP, however I don't have a good understanding of that library currently. I did use Fiddler to capture the request and response that are generated when downloading the file.
I'd like to get the csv file downloaded using WinHTTP, but the main purpose of this is to learn how to use WinHTTP.