Hello there,
i'm totally now at scripting and i modified a little pixel script i found in another forum, but
due my lack of skills, i'm not able to modify it in the way i want to:
its very simple : it looks for a pixel color and if this specifc color is found, it sends a key.
while 1
if $funcs = True then
$pixrand = PixelSearch (x1,y1,x2,y2;color)
if IsArray($pixrand) = True Then
Send("{x 5}")
So after it found the color, it sends the button x five times and does it again in 3 secs.
i want to make a modifcation:
if IsArray($pixrand) = True Then
the script should check, if another $pixrand = PixelSearch (x1,y1,x2,y2;color) is true too
and only if both values are true it should send the key.
How do i have to modify the script to do this?
And is it possbile to control the way of the pixelsearch ? i want to script to look for a point, after
it found the point, the next search shouldn't be random, the script should search for the next
point next to the first point?