Ok I have no idea how to get this to do what I want. I am now able to parse data from the email but next step is to then move the email over to a new folder.
I am using #include <OutlookEX.au3> to open outlook and once complete I just want to move the email so I don't keep processing the same file over and over again. $inbox and $inbox success are variables assigned earlier that just point to a folder in my mail inbox.
$auOutlook = _OL_Open() ; Open outlook $auOutlookCount = _OL_ItemFind($auOutlook,$inbox,$olMail,"","","","","",4) ; $auOutlookItems = _OL_ItemFind($auOutlook,$inbox,$olMail,"","","","EntryID") $Success = _OL_FolderAccess($auOutlook, $inboxsuccess) $oItem = _OL_ItemMove($auOutlook, $auOutlookItems, $inbox, $success)
Here is the info from the file where it gives me the required parameters.
Name ..........: _OL_ItemMove ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemMove($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vTargetFolder[, $iFolderType = Default]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() $vItem - EntryID or object of the item to move $sStoreID - StoreID of the source store as returned by _OL_FolderAccess. Use "Default" to access the users mailbox $vTargetFolder - Target folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder $iFolderType - Optional: Type of target folder if you specify the folder name of another user. Is defined by the Outlook OlDefaultFolders enumeration (default = Default)