This should be a relatively simple answer, I think.
We have an Explorer window that opens to a specific directory on the server so users can acees the programs and scripts that are there. That explorer window opens with the "/e /root" options so they can't go up the directory chain. One problem though, they can still close the window by clicking the very friendly. big, red X in the upper corner.
I was thinking I could make a script that runs in the background, that sits there and watches to make sure the explorer window is running. If it detects that the window was closed, it automatically opens the window again. Therefore, the users can't get rid of it.
I can think of a couple reasons why this would be difficult, one being that under Win7, there is no Window title to use as a reference to watch for to see if it closes. Also, this window's PID will be different on each machine, so I can't watch it that way.