I was trying to get source code of a site & split string using a keyword and what i want is text between two of those keyword . Example , site source has some code in which there are exactly two "<somekeyword>" , i want is text between these two , <somekeyword>sometext<somekeyword> , so i want here 'sometext' . Here's my code for it -
But it gives absturd value !
My version is v3 & source code can be as large as 50Kb. Please Help fast :|
;Get Site Source Code $URL="somesite.com/file.htmll" $httpObj = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1") $httpObj.open("GET",$URL) $httpObj.send() $HTMLSource = $httpObj.Responsetext ;Now split using keyword $parsed=StringSplit ( $HTMLSource, "<somekeyword>" ,0 ) $script=$parsed[1] ; I think i should get required here but i get rubbish value like tml> <9059<!DOCTYPE <!DOCTYPE or something!
But it gives absturd value !
My version is v3 & source code can be as large as 50Kb. Please Help fast :|