I’m very new to AutoIt and I need help clicking a radio button in Windows.
Basically i'm going to create script (compiled to an exe) to do some stuff on first logon for new users.
I want to open the performance settings and click the adjust for best performance radio button.
I managed to put together the following bit of code to open the dialog box (first 3 lines are needed for something like XP, the last run last will open it directly if I’m running vista or later which is the preferred method apparently). I can’t figure out how to click the adjust for best performance and then click the OK button to dismiss the dialog box (2 Oks needed for win xp, only 1 for the others). Can anyone help? (There might be more than just English involved so I don’t know if trying to find that radio button by name or position is best)
In the code below, i don't even fully understand how the control click line is able to call up the correct dialog box. when i test on 2K8R2 for example, it works but I'm not even sure how it's clicking the right thing.
#include <GUITreeView.au3> If @OSVersion = 'WIN_XP' Then Run('control sysdm.cpl,,3') WinWaitActive('System Properties') ControlClick('System Properties', '', 'Button2') Else Run('SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe') WinWaitActive('Performance Options') EndIf