hello, im trying to simplify this code
Case $button10 Local $sMySqlStatement = "" $aOk = _EzMySql_GetTable2d("SELECT * FROM " & GUICtrlRead($Input2) & ";") Local $rows = UBound($aOk) If GUICtrlRead($Input12) > $rows Then MsgBox(0, "error", "exede rows bd: " & $rows & "leido: " & GUICtrlRead($Input12) ) Else $aOk = _EzMySql_GetTable2d("SELECT * FROM " & GUICtrlRead($Input2) & " WHERE RowID = " & "'" & GUICtrlRead($Input12) & "';") $error = @error If Not IsArray($aOk) Then MsgBox(0, $sMySqlStatement & " error", $error) Else GUICtrlSetData($Input10, $aOk[1][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Input11, $aOk[1][2]) GUICtrlSetData($Input12, $aOk[1][3]) EndIf EndIf Local $rows = UBound($aOk) Local $cols = UBound($aOk, 2) Local $dims = UBound($aOk, 0) MsgBox(0, "The " & $dims & "-dimensional array has", _ $rows & " rows, " & $cols & " columns") _ArrayDisplay($aOk, "2d array")
so i dont have to use too much code in the error reporting, i want it to look something like this,
Case $button10 If Not _EzMySql_GetTable2d("SELECT * FROM " & GUICtrlRead($Input2) & " WHERE RowID = " & "'" & GUICtrlRead($Input12) & "';") Then MsgBox(0, "Error inserting data to Table", "Error: "& @error & @CR & "Error string: " & _EzMySql_ErrMsg()) EndIf
but this keeps getting me errors