I would appreciate some help with this. The for loop searches for the $find term and finds it with no problem
Howver what I want is to grab the first ID= following the line entry that has the correct file name which is "test-page-1"
So I need to grab the very next line so that I can extract the number following the id.. which is not a problem if I could identify how to print the next line.. As you can see I tried to add a 1 as $oLink+1.href to grab the next one but of course does not work. Can anyone tell me the command to grab the next line folloiwng the find of the selected item.
Then grab the next line and extract the number 52960 following the id.
This way I can associate the file name "test-page-1" with the id "52960
I cannot searh for the IP since I don't know the ip until I find the line above the line with the id.
What it is searching thru.
$find = "test-page-1" For $oLink IN $oLinks if StringInStr($oLink.href, $find) then Consolewrite($oLink.href & @CRLF) Consolewrite($oLink+1.href & @CRLF) EndIf Next