Hi there,
i know you support but don't like to do all work alone for someone, and i really tried alone but did not work.
I have to send mails to certain people once a month and since this are 100+, a script would help me very much. I have one, a long time ago someone helped me, but i do not reach this person anymore. What i have is entering the topic and the text into the email mask:
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Exit") ; Make a hotkey to exit the script ; Very important when u are using MouseMove, MouseClick etc. in a loop HotKeySet("{^}", "_work") ; Look at the Send command in the help file for keys Global $work = False ; Here we say $work = false, so the bot has stopped as default While 1 Sleep(1000) ; Use a sleep in the main loop for not getting a high CPU WEnd Func _work() $work = Not $work ; It's basicly something like: If $work = False Then $work = True ; Also visa versa While $work MouseMove(630, 485, 10);moving mouse to position MouseClick("left") Send("PI") MouseMove(630, 625, 10);moving mouse to position MouseClick("left") Send("^v") MouseMove(630, 700, 10) Mouseclick("left") Mousemove(540, 420, 10) Mouseclick("left") mousemove(630, 455, 10) Mouseclick("left") Sleep(100000000000000) WEnd EndFunc Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc
Most parts of this macro i do not understand myself, i played around and googled and what it does now is entering a topic(the "PI" thing, i can edit myself then) and a text from the clipboard(the "^v"-thing) into the email-formular and it even presses the SEND-button.
Only the names i have to enter myself.
All i miss now is a part in this macro, that reads the names of the people from a txt.file and enters it in the first mask, above the topic-mask.
The name of this file would be: C:\Users\Markus\Desktop\testwi.txt
Can you complete my script please ? I found another macro in your forums from a guy that had the same problem but it was the autoit-version, not autoit3..did not work, i just fetched it at the macro above.
Ah well