I am new to the world of AutoIT and trying to get up to speed. I am currently stuck on this exercise.
Recursive File Search:
Allow the user to specify a folder location to search for all files or folders
that contain a set of characters that they specify. Develop an easy-to-use way for the user to
specify more than once search criteria, and also more than one search folder, and an effective method for outputting the results.
I have written the following which will return the contents of the initial folder and contents of the folders inside that folder but I am not sure how to proceed.
At some point in no longer returned the folder names in the array it creates, not sure where I went wrong.
Any help would be appreciated.
#NoTrayIcon #include <Array.au3> Global $aSearch1[1], $i, $found $SearchFold = InputBox("", "Input the folder you want to search","C:\blablabla") $SearchString = InputBox("", "Input value you want to search for", "*.*") ;~ $SearchString = "*" & $SearchString & "*" _FileSearch( $SearchFold, $SearchString ) _ArrayDisplay( $aSearch1, "Search Results" ) $i = 0 Func _FileSearch( $startfold, $searchval ) ; declares function FileChangeDir($startfold) ; changes the working directory, directory is being searched $search = FileFindFirstFile( $searchval ) If $search = -1 Then ; Check if the search was successful MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern") Exit EndIf While 1 $file = FileFindNextFile( $search ) If @error Then ExitLoop $found = $startfold & "\" & $file $dirchk = StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($found), "D" ) ;directory check Select Case $dirchk > 0 _FileSearch( $found, $searchval ) ;recurse if directory found Case $dirchk = 0 $found = $startfold & "\" & $file ;return $found if not a directory EndSelect $aSearch1[$i] = $found ;write found to the array $i = $i + 1 ;increase the value of $i ReDim $aSearch1[$i +1] ;redim the array WEnd ReDim $aSearch1[UBound( $aSearch1 ) -1] ;trim the array $i = UBound($aSearch1) -1 FileClose($search) ; Close the search handle EndFunc