Hello everyone, now i have done my script, but it works, but not everytime because of the software which is in my picture:
So, sometimes i am getting this error, and i dont know how to make loop, that could check if this error exist, or not, because there isnt any title or anything, maybe with the class, but there isnt any title.. now i am using two scripts: First runing this one:
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Include <FF.au3> Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) sleep(15000) WinActivate("StrongVPN Client - 1.2.2+35c10f") Send("{ENTER}") sleep(30000) WinActivate("StrongVPN Client - 1.2.2+35c10f") ControlClick("StrongVPN Client - 1.2.2+35c10f", "", "[CLASS:WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.33c0d9d]") sleep(3000) run("C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\SCRIPT.exe") sleep(55000) if NOT WinExists("Mixxx - The Virtual DJ - Mozilla Firefox") Then WinActivate("StrongVPN Client - 1.2.2+35c10f") sleep(1000) MouseClick("left", 403, 342, 1, 0) ; Accept WinActivate("StrongVPN Client - 1.2.2+35c10f") sleep(1000) MouseClick("left", 403, 342, 1, 0) ; Accept WinActivate("StrongVPN Client - 1.2.2+35c10f") sleep(1000) MouseClick("left", 403, 342, 1, 0) ; Accept WinActivate("StrongVPN Client - 1.2.2+35c10f") ControlClick("StrongVPN Client - 1.2.2+35c10f", "", "[CLASS:WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.33c0d9d]") sleep(9000) WinActivate("Firefox") ProcessClose("FileIce.exe") run("C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\SCRIPT.exe") endif
Which are runing VPN software, then it runs my main and primary script, but i wish to make it correctly run vpn first without any error then just run my primary scrip.. Above is what i tried to do, but i am keep getting this error still...