I am trying to automate downloading several pages from a Website.The urls I access differ only in the number at the end. So I am using a for loop to go through them one by one and save them afterwards.
I already could figure out how to make IE wait until the page is loaded with IELoadWait and use WinExists to wait until the saving window closes. But because loading takes about 9 seconds per page, it would be great if I could load several pages at once into different tabs and save them one by one. So my program would not stay idle for the whole loading time. Eventually I want to download about 200.000 pages. Every second less it takes per page would save a lot of time in the end.
So far I could not figure out a way to make autoit wait until the page is loaded when it is not the first tab. Currently I have the problem that my program most of the time saves the pages before they are fully loaded.
Is there any way to wait for the focused tab to load? I checked IE.au3. But there only seems to be a time out function for __IELoadWait.
In case there is another way around that loading problem any hints would be great.
Thanks a lot for any comments!